Happy History Hour
This periodic educational program highlights a different topic and speaker. Check our Event calendar for up to date info. Happy History Hour program is FREE for our members and the public. Come enjoy and learn together. Programs are open to all ages but please provide a chaperone for students under age 16.
Unlocking History
A new countywide historic program is being developed for group attendees of all ages. This program can be scalable and applicable to elementary, middle or high school students as well as senior groups and families. Unlocking History will focus on the history of our building, the old Sheriff's residence and jail, as well as famous and infamous residents, events, buildings, and businesses that helped shape our County. This program will be available beginning March 2024. Please Contact Us for more information.
Group Tours
Group tours of the Museum are during our regularly scheduled hours or made available upon request for groups of 25 or more. Regular admission plus a small fee for the Tour Guide Docent is required for all Group Tours. Please Contact Us before you come so that we can be ready for you